
On The Home Front stands for the idea that each and every person should be given an opportunity to have a comfortable, safe, and affordable place to call “home.”

The idea behind On The Home Front is to serve as an empowering resource for those who are without a home of their own. We believe in the potential that lies within homelessness, and the potential that these communities have to build a bright future. We strive to provide secure, permanent housing for the homeless, no matter their circumstances. We are committed to making a lasting positive impact on homeless individuals and families by offering a wide range of resources that can help them secure and maintain stable housing, including financial assistance, employment resources and job training programs, mental health counseling, addiction therapy, and other services in a supportive environment.

We also seek to build strong relationships with the communities in which we serve. Our goal is to help foster an environment in which those individuals experiencing homelessness can find acceptance, build self-esteem, and strive to become independent. We want to create a welcoming learning community that provides collaboration, support, and opportunities that will help these individuals succeed.

In addition, On The Home Front is committed to educating the public about homelessness and breaking the stigma associated with it. We believe that educating communities and individuals about the issues surrounding homelessness, and the resources available to help is essential to creating a better future for those in need.

At On The Home Front, we are committed to providing safe, secure, and affordable housing to those who need it the most. We strive for success for each and every individual we work with, no matter their circumstances. We are dedicated to creating a healthy, thriving community of acceptance and understanding, and we look forward to serving those in need and making a lasting impact on our community!